
作者:24直播网       时间:
[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (48-13) defeat the Milwaukee Bucks (53-10), 113-102. 【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人(48胜13负)今天在主场以113-102击败密尔沃基雄鹿(53胜10负)。 詹姆斯37分8篮板8助攻,戴维斯30分9篮板,麦基5分11篮板,格林6分2篮板,库兹马11分8篮板,卡鲁索8分3篮板;阿德托昆博32分12篮板6助攻,布莱德索11分4篮板3助攻3抢断5失误,米德尔顿12分5篮板4助攻,大洛佩兹13分5篮板,迪温岑佐17分3篮板4助攻。 ———————— [–]Lakers EmoniBates 1457 指標 3小時前 LeBron & Giannis straight up guarding each other was so fun to see 湖人球迷:詹姆斯和字母哥之间的互为攻防真是太好看咯! [–]Lakers johnfcknallen 430 指標 3小時前 Fans are real winners here. Getting their moneys worth 湖人球迷:真正的赢家就是现场球迷,这钱花得值啊! [–]Bucks MrHellno 60 指標 4小時前* It’s good for the nba, and even though I didn’t like the outcome, it’s what a team like this has to overcome with a target on their head. Hope we see it again in June. 雄鹿球迷:这对NBA是好事啊,虽说我不喜欢这个结果吧,可这就是一支带着目标的队伍必须得克服的。希望咱们六月再见。 [–]Bucks MrHellno 27 指標 3小時前 Shit, I’ll root for LeBron as long as his terminator ass isn’t playing the Bucks. 雄鹿球迷:干,只要詹姆斯这个终结者不打我雄鹿,我就会一直支持他。 [–]BKNas 379 指標 3小時前 You gotta love seeing both players stepping up to the challenge. 35yo Lebron can still lock guys up whenever he is dialed in and wanting to spend energy playing defense. Hell of a game from the 3 superstars! 詹姆斯和字母哥不断直面彼此的挑战,真是爱死这种画面了。35岁的詹姆斯只要找到感觉,并且有在防守端投入精力的意愿,他就依然能锁死对手。 三位超巨联手奉献了一场经典比赛! [–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 160 指標 3小時前 MVP vs legend. Shit was crazy 王治郅球迷:MVP vs 传奇,真尼玛带劲儿 [–][POR] C.J. McCollum GayForLebron 394 指標 3小時前 Idk if I’d call Giannis a legend yet 开拓者球迷:那我还不知道字母哥是否称得上传奇。 [–]Timberwolves Hisoka_Brando 166 指標 4小時前 It’s always fun to see the two best players guarding each other. Giannis was clearly bothered by Lebron’s defense has he couldn’t overpower Lebron the way he does so many defenders. On the other end, Lebron was great at putting his body on Giannis and creating space to get layups and dunks. 森林狼球迷:看着两个最强的球员防守对方一直都是很过瘾的。字母哥显然被詹姆斯的防守限制住了,他没法像以前用力量扛开很多防守人那样扛开詹姆斯。在进攻端,詹姆斯在字母哥身前巧妙地利用了自己的身体,创造了很多上篮和扣篮的空间。 [–]Lakers RemyGee 94 指標 4小時前 Kawhi did the same thing in the playoffs last year. Someone who can stay in front of Giannis and is stronger is key. There aren't many guys in the league that qualify for that. 湖人球迷:小卡上赛季季后赛也是这么做的。要防住字母哥的话,关键在于有一个可以扛得住他并且身体更壮的人。联盟里具备这个条件的人可不多 [–]Lakers ss5234 70 指標 4小時前 I mean that’s the most basic description of good defense 湖人球迷:你说的基本就是优秀防守的定义 [–]makeshift11 346 指標 3小時前 And yet this sub thinks LeBron is somehow not worthy of being in the MVP conversation. Dude is still the best player in the NBA at thirty fucking five years old. 这个论坛居然还有人觉得詹姆斯不该在MVP人选的讨论范围之内。这个35岁的老家伙特么依然是NBA最强球员。 [–]Ironhorse75 331 指標 3小時前* It's crazy how much he's seen. Classmates Bosh and Wade are gone. Melo a journeyman on his last legs. Kobe, Tmac, Iverson, KG, Duncan, Dirk era is done. Harden, KD, Russ, Steph, and Klay are in the 30 club. Dame and PG joining later this year. AD, Kawhi, Kyrie, Giannis in their prime. Zion, Ja, Tatum, Luka, and Trae just arriving. Lebron in 2020 still contending for mvp. 詹姆斯真的是了不起。同级生波什和韦德都退役了。甜瓜四处漂泊。 科比、麦迪、艾弗森、加内特、邓肯和德克的时代早就结束了。 哈登、阿杜、威少、库里和克莱都三十多了。利拉德和乔治今年也要迈入三十大关。 戴维斯、小卡、欧文和字母哥都处于巅峰。 锡安、莫兰特、塔图姆、东契奇和吹羊刚刚崭露头角。 可是2020年的詹姆斯居然还能竞争MVP。 [–]76ers Bandwagon SapperHammer 75 指標 2小時前 i miss the 2010 basketball 76人球迷:好想念2010年代的篮球 [–]Lakers RedComet0093 115 指標 3小時前 I didn't think he had much of a case until tonight, but the fact that he was SIGNIFICANTLY better than Giannis tonight might give him a chance. At the least I'm certain anyone who watched this game tonight knows who the best player on the court was when these 2 went head to head. 湖人球迷:今晚之前,我真没想到老詹居然能打得这么有说服力。可是他今晚全方位超出字母哥的这种表现或许能让他有些机会参与MVP的竞争。至少有一点我是笃定的,只要看了这场比赛的人都知道:詹姆斯和字母哥正面交锋时,谁才是场上最强的那个。 [–]shadowsizzler 31 指標 3小時前 4sure .. I think he turned it up tonight just to establish that he is better head to head, starting to make an argument for MVP 那是肯定的……我觉得老詹今晚挺身而出就是为了确立自己在正面对话中的领先地位,他开始展现冲击MVP的资本了。 [–]Raptors FlacidTeeth 292 指標 4小時前* LeBron stole his defense tonight lol. Never thought I'd ever say this but Giannis was getting bodied in the post by Bron. Obviously Bron has the strength but damn he treated him like an average defender in the post. 猛龙球迷:詹姆斯今晚“偷”走了字母哥的防守,哈哈哈。真没想到啊,字母哥在低位居然会被詹姆斯用身体欺负。很显然,老詹是很有力量的,可是他在低位居然能把字母哥当普通防守人打。 [–]BluefaceBabyYeaAight 270 指標 4小時前 LeBron's defense been so disrespected these past few years because he doesn't turn it up in November against The Hornets. 最近这几年詹姆斯的防守真是太不被尊重了,谁叫他在11月份打黄蜂这种球队的时候不当回事儿呢== [–][MIA] LeBron James RogueTampon 72 指標 3小時前 I'm going to the Hornets/Lakers game in 2 weeks, if there isn't a chase down block by Bron then I'm rioting. 热火球迷:两周后我要去现场看黄蜂打湖人的比赛,要是老詹没有追帽,那我就当场闹事儿== [–]Rpeddie17 25 指標 3小時前 Only the nephews dont get it. Nephews think a few lowlight plays on YT = bad defense.. when he was at his worst last year he was still a positive defender. now that he's trying he's been elite. 只有那些小学生球迷体会不到老詹的厉害。他们觉得在油管上看了老詹的点低迷表现,就以为他防守不好。 即便是上赛季最不堪的时候,他也依然是个有贡献的防守人。如今他发力了,就回到了顶级防守人行列。 ———————— [–]Lakers nkx91 218 指標 4小時前 Giannis will still win mvp, but Lebron was the best player on the court tonight 湖人球迷:字母哥还是会拿MVP,可詹姆斯才是今晚的场上最佳 [–]Bucks 1998TimThomas 53 指標 4小時前 I agree 雄鹿球迷:同意 [–]Lakers RemyGee 76 指標 4小時前 Fixed something for you Giannis will still win mvp, but Lebron is still the best player in the world 湖人球迷:我来纠正下, 字母哥还是会拿MVP,可詹姆斯依然是世界最佳球员 [–][MIA] Dwyane Wade RandomVintage 78 指標 4小時前 Yall... Giannis is 25. LeBron is 35. Yet, Giannis looked like the old guy out there. Dude was completely GASSED. 热火球迷:大家注意了,字母哥25岁,詹姆斯35岁 然而,字母哥在场上感觉像个老家伙。这哥们儿完全没劲儿了 [–]Lakers joshian22 432 指標 4小時前 Glimpse off playoff LeBron this game, holy shit was he dominant on both ends of the floor 湖人球迷:这场比赛又看到了季后詹的影子,我勒个去,他在攻防两端的统治力太强了 [–]Raptors PickAndTroll 148 指標 4小時前 So many "fuck you" dunks 猛龙球迷:好多的“干死你”暴扣 [–]yoyowatup 50 指標 3小時前 Best scorer passer and defender on the floor tonight with probably the MVP and the top two candidates for DPOY out there. He’s just on another level when he turns it up. 今天咱们在场上看到的,就是最佳得分手、传球手和防守人,这种实力或许能拿MVP并且是赛季最佳防守人的前二人选。他开足马力的时候,就是另一个层面的球员。 [–]WildYams 12 指標 3小時前 To me the really eye-opening part of this game was that LeBron was able to be the lead defender on the MVP while still running the offense and being the game's top scorer. I'd kinda assumed that as great as he was he could only do two of those things in the same game. If LeBron can do this then that really changes the geometry of a Lakers-Clippers series, because it means the Lakers have a legit guy to put on Kawhi without sacrificing their offense at all. 今天这场比赛真正让我开眼的,就是詹姆斯在梳理进攻且成为本场得分王的同时,还能领防MVP。之前我还以为,强如詹姆斯,一场比赛也只能做好其中的两个部分。既然詹姆斯能大包大揽,那就能真正改变湖船系列赛的格局,因为这就意味着,湖人有了一个既可以防小卡又丝毫不会牺牲进攻能力的狠人。 [–][GSW] Stephen Curry Nyhrox 221 指標 4小時前 Don't take Lebron James for granted 勇士球迷:不要觉得詹姆斯这种表现是理所应当。 [–]Studentdoctor29 57 指標 4小時前 Forreal, if anything we learn this year its to appreciate greatness. Watching LBJ vs Giannis was better than christmas morning 没错,如果说这赛季我们领会了什么,那就是珍惜这份伟大。看詹姆斯和字母哥的对决比圣诞节的早晨还要开心。 [–]Trail Blazers notDAME 86 指標 4小時前 any1 else feel like the gap between lebron and giannis in this game was greater than the stats show? not that there was a huge gap but the stats make it seem kinda even while it seemed like lebron was in control maybe it's just my perception because lebron was kinda consistently good throughout while giannis was quiet in the 2nd and 3rd quarters? i dunno, is this just me? 开拓者球迷:有人觉得字母哥和詹姆斯之间的差距比数据统计还要大吗?倒不是说差距非常大,不过单看数据统计你还会觉得他俩起鼓相当,可实际上貌似是詹姆斯在掌控全局。 或许只是我的个人理解,因为詹姆斯这场是纵贯全场地优秀,而字母哥在第二、三节就安静了吧?只有我有这种感觉吗? [–]Heat FuzzyAlgae 53 指標 4小時前 I'd take Lebron over Giannis in the playoffs any fucking day. 热火球迷:管特么啥年纪,只要是打季后赛,我就会选詹姆斯而不是字母哥。 [–]Spurs PapiShot 357 指標 4小時前 This was a great matchup between two elite duos. LeBron & AD vs Giannis & DiVincenzo. 马刺球迷:这场比赛是两队顶级组合之间的出色较量。詹姆斯和戴维斯vs字母哥和迪文琴佐。 [–]Bucks ProvokedMouse29 73 指標 4小時前 Giannis and divincenzo definitely the best duo in the east lol 雄鹿球迷:字母哥和迪文琴佐肯定是东部最强组合,哈哈哈 [–][LAL] Kyle Kuzma ablackcloudupahead 20 指標 3小時前 Giannis and "insert name" are definitely the best duo in the east 湖人球迷:字母哥和路人甲也肯定是东部最强组合== [–]Lakers BayStyles 61 指標 4小時前 Wanted to take this moment to shout out Divicenzo the boy nice 湖人球迷:我想借这个机会向迪文琴佐致敬,这孩子很强啊 [–]Raptors Akoltry 27 指標 4小時前 DiVincenzo is a fuckin baller man. Bucks 3rd quarter would have been a massive wash without him. 猛龙球迷:迪文琴佐真特么能打啊。要是没他的话,雄鹿第三节就被屠杀了 [–][LAC] Chris Paul CP3_for_MvP[ ] 162 指標 4小時前 Rockets beat Celtics Clippers beat Nuggets Clippers beat Rockets Lakers beat Bucks I Guess that means the champion is determined in 2 days 快船球迷:火箭击败凯尔特人、快船击败掘金、快船击败火箭、湖人击败雄鹿 我猜,这意味着两天之后就能决定冠军归属了 [–]albundy66 62 指標 4小時前 Lakers/Clippers on Sunday is the most important game he regular season. Every other game until the playoffs is meaningless. LAL/LAC is basically a title fight without a title at stake 周日(北京时间周一凌晨)的湖船大战将是本赛季最重要的常规赛 在季后赛到来之前,其他比赛都没有意义。 湖船大战基本就是冠军之争。 [–]Lakers randy88moss 26 指標 4小時前 Lakers don’t play well on Sunday afternoon....and the time change isn’t gonna help. 湖人球迷:我湖在周日下午一般都发挥得不好…… [–]albundy66 7 指標 4小時前 They beat the Celtics on a Sunday afternoon 你们在周日下午击败过凯尔特人 [–]Lakers randy88moss 16 指標 4小時前 They should’ve blown them out....especially with Kemba out. 湖人球迷:本来应该狂胜的……他们的沃克不在。 ———————— [–]JetGan 556 指標 3小時前 Lakers are still undefeated when LeBron scores 30+ points 詹姆斯得分30+的比赛,湖人依然保持不败 [–][LAL] Jordan Farmar leetcode4life 61 指標 3小時前 So you're saying Lakers gonna sweep the playoffs 湖人球迷:照你这意思,我湖季后赛是要一路横扫啊 [–]Chopppstix 227 指標 3小時前 And when taking a lead into the 4th 而且领先进入第四节的湖人也是不败 [–]Lakers dreezyyyy 411 指標 4小時前 Lakers undefeated in the Dion Waiters era. 湖人球迷:我湖在维特斯时代保持不败== [–]jawadhaque089 1293 指標 4小時前* The bucks are 0-1 since Charles Barkley disrespected Khris Middleton 自打巴克利不把米德尔顿当回事之后,雄鹿0胜1负。(巴克利日前在一档节目中表示,MVP投票时白痴才会选詹姆斯而不选字母哥。因为他觉得,雄鹿第二好的球员只有米德尔顿这个水平……) [–][OKC] Russell Westbrook kenyan12345 60 指標 4小時前 I mean he’s not wrong. Middleton didn’t play well in the playoffs last year. 雷霆球迷:巴克利也没说错啊,米德尔顿去年季后赛就打得不好 [–]Lakers Palifaith 450 指標 4小時前 Middleton being a bro by having a sub-par game and adding fire to Chuck's narrative for Giannis MVP case. 湖人球迷:米德尔顿今天打得也是有失水准,更加坐实了巴克利关于字母哥该拿MVP的理由。 [–]Bucks Yakora 142 指標 4小時前 Sick of him consistently having subpar games when we need him to be a star 雄鹿球迷:真是受够了,每次我们需要米德尔顿像球星一样站出来的时候,他总是发挥失常。 [–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan gst96 39 指標 4小時前 Was impressed by the Lakers from the 3rd on, Bucks did well to get back into it but Middleton looked off probably because the Lakers defense really picked up in the 2nd half 猛龙球迷:湖人从第三节开始的表现就让人惊艳,雄鹿后面追回来了,可是米德尔顿完全没状态,也许是因为湖人下半场的防守上线了。 [–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 37 指標 4小時前 Middleton has to show up come playoff time. We already know that Drew Bledsoe won’t, but the Bucks can’t win against the elite teams with Middleton playing like he did tonight 米德尔顿必须得在季后赛挺身而出。布莱德索靠不住我们已经知道了,可要是米德尔顿季后赛还是今天这样,那雄鹿是赢不了顶级球队的。 [–]Bucks iLoveBrazilianGirls 106 指標 4小時前 Ugh, Middleton and Bledsoe did not show up at all. Donte made some really nice plays, he will be very valuable come playoffs. GG Lakers. 雄鹿球迷:哎,米德尔顿和布莱德索一点都靠不住。迪文琴佐有些回合打得真心好,他在季后赛会很有价值。厉害啊湖人 [–]Warriors VampireBatman 48 指標 4小時前 Whew 73-9 is safe for another year. 勇士球迷:哟,咱们的73胜9负又能多保持一年了 [–][MIL] Thon Maker hwhouston517 36 指標 4小時前 At least this means we won’t be swept in the finals by Lebron after being up 3-1. 雄鹿球迷:至少这说明我们不会在总决赛3-1领先时被詹姆斯逆转。 [–]Bucks brutmax 20 指標 4小時前 200iq Bucks play. Lose to LeBron now and not in the finals. 雄鹿球迷:我鹿这真是智商200的操作== 现在输给詹姆斯,总决赛就不会了 [–]LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO101 35 指標 4小時前 All of the concerns about the Bucks in the playoffs were on full display. Late game free throws for Giannis will be key. Against elite defense like he faced tonight I expect him to have some issues but its key for him to continue to manage to be effective like he was tonight even though the matchup was owned by LeBron tonight for the most part. The bigger issue is the play of Middleton and Bledsoe. This team can’t win against the elite teams if those two play like they did today. Lebron’s help in AD turned up in the second half, while Bledsoe and Middleton were absolute garbage all night. 之前大家对雄鹿季后赛表现的全部担忧今天都呈现出来了。字母哥在比赛末段的罚球是很关键的。面对今天这种顶级防守的情况下,我以为他会遇到一些问题。不过重点在于他还得设法像今晚这样保持高效,即便在和詹姆斯的对位中大都被支配了。 雄鹿更大的问题在于米德尔顿和布莱德索的表现。他俩要还是这样,雄鹿肯定赢不了顶级强队。詹姆斯在下半场帮助戴维斯找回了状态,而布莱德索和米德尔顿整晚都打得很垃圾。 [–]Bucks VarsitySuicideClub 59 指標 4小時前 I do not believe that reg season games are meaningless but I don’t believe they determine playoff success Lakers (Bron) balled the fuck out tn, AD outplayed Middleton, we’re 3-1 against LA teams. I know my own fan base is going to freak the fuck out about this game but I don’t see anything wrong with losing to the best team in the West at their home court as long as some of our guys pick it up a bit before the season’s over. See y’all in the finals GG 雄鹿球迷:我不相信常规赛无意义的说法,不过我也不觉得这场失利就能决定季后赛成绩。 詹姆斯打得太嗨了,戴维斯的表现也远超米德尔顿,可我们这赛季对洛杉矶球队的成绩还是3胜1负。我知道,雄鹿球迷会小题大做,可我觉得输给主场作战的西部最强队也没啥问题啊,只要我们某些人能在常规赛结束前找回一点状态就行。 咱们总决赛见! [–][LAL] Kobe Bryant speakitintoexistence 32 指標 4小時前 Bucks is the team Im most scared of. Good fucking game bro 湖人球迷:雄鹿是我最害怕的球队。这比赛打得真特么好,老铁。 ———————— [–]Lakers Otharp 188 指標 4小時前* Couple things to say: Giannis will be deservedly back to back MVP, but LeBron is still the best player in the world. Lakers started setting screens under the basket to counter drop coverages when they had Dwight or JaVale in, and it worked really well. Markieff is, so far, an excelent pickup and he appears to have good chemistry off court with the rest of the team, I love that. The Lakers defended really well, but the Bucks were having an off game, they're still a well-oiled machine and I'm still scared of them. Great win, we really needed that one. 湖人球迷:说以下几点: 字母哥MVP两连是理所应当的,可詹姆斯依然是世界最强。 当霍华德或麦基在场时,湖人在篮下开始布置反向掩护了,这招真挺管用。 目前为止,马基夫这笔引援真是划算,貌似他在场下和其他人的关系也不错,我很喜欢。 湖人的防守真心很好,不过雄鹿今天打得不在状态,他们依然是一台运转顺畅的机器,我还是怕他们。 漂亮的胜利,真的很及时。 [–]Lakers SnowBarkley 23 指標 4小時前 Reminder that the Lakers DO NOT win against good teams 湖人球迷:友情提示,我湖打强队时“赢不了”!!! [–]Lakers AmnestyTHAT 9 指標 4小時前 Does this game count? 湖人球迷:那这场比赛算吗? [–][NYK] Carmelo Anthony burnedgoat 942 指標 4小時前 eh, not sold on these Lakers until they do it against a good team 尼克斯球迷:呃,这支湖人还是无法让人信服,除非他们真的击败强队== [–]Lakers ten47 67 指標 4小時前 Yeah, the bucks aren’t that good anymore, lakers still need to beat a good team 湖人球迷:没错,雄鹿已经不厉害了,我湖还得战胜一支强队才行 [–]Lakers markjay6 20 指標 4小時前 I think you’re right. After all, the Bucks are on a one-game losing streak 湖人球迷:我觉得你说得很对。毕竟雄鹿目前遇到了一连败。 [–][DET] Luke Kennard LukeKennardMVP 632 指標 4小時前 You’re right, they haven’t played against the Pistons with a healthy Luke Kennard 活塞球迷:没错,你湖还没打过拥有健康的肯纳德的活塞呢== [–]Lakers DetectivePapaya 303 指標 4小時前 What do you want from us? We just beat the defending western conference champion Warriors last week 湖人球迷:还要我们怎样?我们上周才赢了西部卫冕冠军呢 [–][NYK] Carmelo Anthony burnedgoat 198 指標 4小時前 Haven't even beaten the Lakers. Frauds. 尼克斯球迷:还没赢湖人呢,骗子 [–]Cavaliers RyanW1019 74 指標 4小時前 They just signed Waiters so we’ll see how that pans out. 骑士球迷:人家才签下维特斯,让我们接下来看看会发生什么== [–]Raptors RODjij 49 指標 4小時前 Me in the 1st half: Lakers don't have shooters to last a series. In the 2nd: ohyea this team has both Lebron & AD 猛龙球迷:上半场的我:湖人这射手群撑不了一个系列赛啊 下半场的我:对哦,这队有詹姆斯和戴维斯啊 [–]yoyowatup 88 指標 4小時前 It’s amazing lebron continues to do this. When he turns it on he’s the best in the world and he makes it seem like it’s not even that close. He was easily the best scorer, passer, and defender on the floor tonight. Who gives a fuck about the mvp. He’s the best in the world for about the 12th straight year. 詹姆斯还能持续这种表现真是牛。他在状态的时候就是世界最强者,感觉后面的人都还差得远。他今天明显就是场上最强得分手、助攻手和防守人。谁特么在乎MVP哦。这大概是连续第12年了,他依然是世界最佳。 [–]Lakers papacdub1 23 指標 2小時前 It’s unprecedented. Seriously who else has been the best player in the league for over a decade? Nobody. In my opinion he’s the Greatest of All Time. 湖人球迷:真是前所未见。说真的,还有谁连续十多年霸占联盟第一人的位置?没了。在我看来,他就是史上最强。 [–]Lakers Not-Rick 232 指標 4小時前 LeBron James is 35 years old. 湖人球迷:詹姆斯35了 [–]Bucks PointsOutTheUsername 34 指標 4小時前 I want to be honest...looking at him right after the game...he appeared older than that to me. Then I realized that's because I'm nearing 30 and look 20 years younger than him. So, although I see him as a good amount older than me, his physicality at his age is unbelievable. 雄鹿球迷:我做个老实人吧……看着比赛结束后的詹姆斯……我感觉他比35还要老。然后我才明白,这是因为我快30了,看上去比他年轻20岁。 所以呢,尽管我觉得他看上去比我老很多,但是他这个年纪的身体素质不可思议。 [–]Lakers RemyGee 16 指標 4小時前 You mean his face looked older after the game? He has the body of a mid-twenties Captain America. 湖人球迷:你的意思是他赛后的面相显老?可他有20多岁的美国队长的身体。 [–]76ers Scottsm124 37 指標 4小時前 How does Lebron have the athleticism and the endurance of a 20 year old right now? It’s not even just that he’s playing well...it’s the emphatic manner in which he’s doing it. This is arguably the best he’s ever looked...it defies logic...and science.. 76人球迷:詹姆斯现在居然还有20多岁的身体素质和耐力,这是咋做到的?不只是他打得好这么简单了……还有他做到这一切的强力方式。违背了逻辑……和科学。 [–]Clippers rageus88 14 指標 3小時前 He's the closest thing to a superhero we have in real life 快船球迷:他是现实生活中最接近超级英雄的存在。 [–]Lakers Palifaith 405 指標 4小時前 These refs were absolutely atrocious. You would think they would have the very best ones for high profile nationally televised games... 湖人球迷:今天的裁判绝对稀烂。原以为这么一场全美直播的重头戏,他们能奉献最好的吹罚…… [–]Bucks ninjaspartan76 78 指標 4小時前 If they ref like this in the playoffs I'm gonna shoot somebody. And that somebody will probably be myself 雄鹿球迷:如果到了季后赛还是这种裁判,那我得开枪射杀某人。那个某人也许是我自己 [–]Lakers Heor326 22 指標 4小時前 Shoot me too 湖人球迷:把我也射杀了吧 [–]Bucks iLoveBrazilianGirls 65 指標 4小時前 59 total foul calls. What a joke. 雄鹿球迷:全场59次犯规吹罚,真是个笑话 [–]Lakers FamousTG 15 指標 4小時前 NBA is getting so soft man, it’s a tragedy 湖人球迷:悲剧啊,NBA现在太软了。 ———————— 来源:Reddit 编译:云长刮个痧



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